


My crochet heroes are those brave and dedicated designers that make graphic patterns.  I have tried it, and it is hard.  There is a lot of merit in doing it, and it makes our crocheting so much easier.  Some of the designers that I know that use graphics as part of their patterns are: Kristin Omdhal, Dora Chan, Lily Go, Edie Eckman.

Mis heroinas de tejido son aquellas valientes y dedicadas diseñadoras que utilizan patrones gráficos.  He tratado hacerlos, y es difícil.  Hay mucho mérito en ello, y nos ayuda a que nuestro tejido sea más fácil y placentero.  Algunas de las diseñadoras que conozco que usan gráficos como parte de sus patrones son: Kristin Omdhal, Dora Chan, Lily Go, Edie Eckman.

Here is one I made with a pattern by Doris Chan [from the book: Amazing Crochet]: The Curacao Shawl.

Éste es un ejemplar que hice usando un patron de Doris Chan [del libro: Amazing Crochet]: El Chal Curacao.

For this very same reason, I admire the Japanese crocheters.  Most of their books come with graphic patterns.  Even when I don´t speak Japanese at all, I understand their “Crochet language”.  Isn´t that amazing?  I made the Crescent Moon Shawl this way.

Por esta misma razón, admiro mucho a los diseñadores de tejidos japoneses.  La mayoría de sus libros vienen con patrones gráficos.  Aun cuando no hablo nada de japonés, puedo entender su lenguaje de ganchillo.  ¿No es maravilloso?   Así hice el Chal Media Luna.

I have to confess that I would never have done some of my fancier lace projects if I had not found the graphic pattern.  Such as what I call: the "Pineapple Lace Shawl".

Debo confesar que nunca hubiera hecho algunos de los proyectos de crochet calados si no hubiera encontrado los patrones gráficos.   Tal como el que bauticé como "Chal Calado de Piñas".

Currently I am making the motifs in the book: Beyond the Square (by Edie Eckman), which also have charts.  I hardly ever need to read the written instructions, except for some special stitches.  [You are welcome to check my gallery: Motif Challenge 2012]

Actualmente estoy en el proceso de hacer los motifs del libro: Beyond the Square (por Edie Eckman), el cual también tiene gráficas.  Prácticamente no necesito leer las instrucciones de texto, except para las puntadas especiales. [Están cordialmente invitadas a visitar mi galería:  Motif Challenge 2012].

If you have not yet tried reading graphics, I encourage you to do it.  Does it look difficult?  Believe me, it is so much easier, once you get the hang of it. Truth be told...ever since I learned how to read charts, I do not want to go back to “just text”. 

Si aún no han intentado leer gráficas, les animo a hacerlo.  ¿Parece difícil?  Créanme que se vuele más fácil con el tiempo.  A decir la verdad, desde que aprendí a leer gráficas, ya me aburren las instrucciones con sólo texto. 


  1. I like a combination of the two - graphic and written patterns. For the Challenge I refer more to the graphic pattern, too. I've got some Japanese books also, but sometimes I'd need more explanations on how to start, finish, or combine some parts. On the other hand I've got two granny square books without any graphic patterns - and I'm going nuts when working with it!!! I feel like I have to refer to the written instruction all the time, stitch by stitch, it's really annoying! I wonder who "invented" this helpful graphic crochet language...

  2. Que chulos tus chales !
    No entiendo los graficos de crochet, pero tu me das gana de aprender a leerlos !

  3. I don't crochet a lot, but I do knit lace and I feel the same way about the charts! It's so easy when you can see what you're making and I can't imagine knitting lace without them.

  4. I think it's great with graphic crochet patterns! I too have some japanese crochet books :)
    And I agree with Alexandra - charts makes lace knitting so much easier.

  5. Hola amiga, tanto que no escribo por aquì, pero de leerte y verte siempre. Lo de los gràficos es MARAVILLOSO yo aprendì a tejer crochet con gràficos casi exclusivamente, la lectura de los puntos me aburre bastante por esa razòn siempre trato de tejer todo aquello que tenga gràfico.
    Tu blog y tus tejidos BELLEZAS ambas,
    te dejo un abrazo.!

  6. Hola Ana, estoy de acuerdo contigo, para leer los graficos tenemos el !lenguaje del grafico", esto es muy util para entender y nos da una visión de cual será el resultado. Te felicito por esta semana del blog me gusta MUCHO lo que escribes y tus fotos. FELICIDADES ANA !!! Dora

  7. I like the graphic patterns too, it makes it so much easier than reading all those instructions, your shawls are beautiful and your motifs delicate and lovely :)

  8. Graphic pattern are an universal language! Great post you are right I'll be lost without them, my mum can read a closeup pic or a model of most patterns. I have choosen to talk about my mum regarding today's topic. I'm not so good at reading crochet written patterns.

  9. I have to admit, I haven't taught myself how to read graphical patterns. When I see the pretty layouts with the lines and the dashes and circles, I think part of me panics and my eyes go crossed.

    You're pictures are beautiful, I love the Crescant Moon Shawl and will be adding that to my list now. ^_^

  10. You're right! Those graphics are pure art in themselves.

  11. I'm not that confident with charts, and usually shy away from them. All gorgeous work by the way :)

  12. I agree! The amount of work that goes into making a chart, especially a crochet chart, is amazing :)

  13. I had no idea there were crochet charts, but then I don't know much about crochet. Your shawls are amazing. I really don't need any new crafts, but crochet is looking more and more interesting!


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